September 10, 2021

3 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement Post Pandemic

“Only about 34 percent of U.S. workers—and 13 percent worldwide—report that they are engaged at work, according to Gallup data.”

The year is 2021. You’re just coming out of a global pandemic, and stress levels are running at an all-time high. 

Your team has been working from home for 18 months, and new employees have yet to even meet the wider team in person. 

Some employees will continue to work from home, while others are starting to wander back into the office. 

Now, with so many moving parts across the company, you’re wondering how to keep the entire team engaged, productive, and on the tasks at hand.

Sound familiar? 

It’s a common conundrum we get asked to solve all the time here at Paragon Body - and even more so now that more and more employees are working from home. 

“How do I keep the team together while working virtually?”

“My employees seem distracted. What can I do to keep them engaged?” 

“How can I build a more cohesive team?”

In today’s blog, we’re going to run you through a few of the things you can do to build a more engaging work environment, and keep your team connected in and out of the office. 

Let’s dive in. 

Improve Employee Engagement

Improve Employee Engagement: Check In Often

First up on our list is to check in with employees often. And we don’t mean the shallow type of checking in, such as sending out a mass email or employee survey. We mean really checking in. 

How are your employees feeling? How are their families doing? What are they struggling with? What are some of the things they enjoy doing on the weekend? 

These are a few of the questions we recommend asking during a 1:1 virtual coffee with your employees each month. 

Note: it’s not a working coffee. 

It’s simply a time for you to disconnect from work and get to know your employees on a personal, one-to-one level. 

The more employees feel noticed, appreciated, and cared for - the more they will feel inclined to contribute and commit to the work they’re doing for the team each day. 

Improve Employee Engagement: Avoid Burnouts

“Where there is high engagement but low wellbeing, there is a risk of burnout over time, and where there is high wellbeing but low engagement, employees may be feeling generally satisfied and well but are unconnected to the organizational purpose”. - Engage for Success

One of the leading contributors to low engagement in the workplace is stress. 

According to a recent survey, 78% of Americans feel stressed at least one day in a typical week — and 15% of them are stressed every day.

If employees are stressed, over-worked, or close to burnout, chances are that the work they’re producing isn’t going to be the best of standards. 

That’s why one of the best things you can do to improve employee engagement at work is to invest in employee’s well-being and work-life balance. 

The better your employees feel - mentally and physically - the more they will be able to give of themselves at work. 

Here are a few initiatives to help employees avoid burnout - from really simple, cost-free ideas to greater workplace benefits. 

  • Implement a half-day Friday policy. Let employees get out and enjoy the sunshine for the last half of the afternoon on several Fridays of the month. (Psst… most have already checked out by then anyway!)
  • Give employees a flexible working schedule. Does Susy have an appointment she needs to run to in the morning? No stress! As long as employees get their work completed, they will appreciate the greater flexibility and understanding from their employers. 
  • Put a wellness program in place. Here at Paragon Body, we help bring teams together inside and outside of work, through a 360 wellness program that incorporates meditation, yoga, fitness classes, stretching, and more. Learn more here.

Improve Employee Engagement: Get Healthier Together

Did you know 1/3 of your life will be spent at work? 

That's 90,000 hours over the course of a lifetime.

If employees are going to feel physically and mentally healthier, a large portion of that work will come from what they do between 9 am and 5 pm. 

That’s why one of the best things you can do for employees is to make the office a healthier place to work. 

Whether that’s through catered healthy snacks, lunch-time nutrition webinars, helpful nutrition reminders, or joint fitness classes like we offer here at Paragon Body, there are plenty of ways for you to encourage healthier habits at work. 

If you’d like to brainstorm ways to help you workplace become healthier, you can reach out to one of the team members here at Paragon Body to help. 

We help companies like Zoom and Fortinet create healthier cultures at work in order to improve employee engagement, productivity, and overall happiness and well-being.

And it works!

Here’s what a few of our clients have to say: 

“ The mediations in the morning clear my head and help me handle my day in a more productive and calm way.”
There isn’t a better way to kickstart my Friday! You guys do an incredible job of putting together a program where no equipment is needed, yet we still get a kickass workout!”
“Jordan and team go above and beyond to make Zoomies feel seen, heard, and supported. I cannot imagine a better team for us to partner with!”
“It’s a wonderful break! I experience tech-migraines, so when I can break up my day and workout, my head gets a break.”

Curious about what Paragon Body can do for your team at work? Get in touch with us today! 

Discover our new partnership with Gainz & Shreds for easy, healthy meals!

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