September 24, 2021

How to Improve Corporate Culture 2021

Corporate culture. It’s a bit of a cliché, isn’t it? 

One of those phrases that companies love to throw around, yet rarely build and nurture in actuality. 

However, if you’re reading this, chances are that you’re serious about building a great corporate culture and are willing to do what it takes to get there. 

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about three proven ways to build a better corporate culture at your organization, and what you can do now to get started. 

Let’s dive in. 

First Way To Improve Corporate Culture: Align Values

Here at Paragon Body, we deal with a lot of companies. From new start-ups like Nuvia to older, traditional companies like Fortinet, we’ve seen the inner workings of every kind of organization. 

And the one underlying similarity found in every great organization is an alignment of values.

They know what drives their employees to show up to work every day and do their best work. And they hone in on this. 

According to Gregg Brown of Change Ready Leadership, aligning employee values to the values of leadership is one of the simplest things you can do to shift a culture.

Start by having employees answer the question, “What drives you to show up at work every day and keep coming back?” 

Next, take a look at the organization. Do you encourage, live and breathe, and celebrate those values? 

If employees value the friendships they have with colleagues, do you hold social gatherings throughout the year and take the time for team-building activities on a regular basis? 

If the majority of employees value work that’s done for the greater good, are there ways you can contribute more and make a difference together as a company? 

Find what makes employees tick and live these values as a company. As Gregg says, it’s the easiest step to improving your company’s culture. 

Second Way To Improve Corporate Culture: Celebrate Success

Celebrate success - it’s another one of those cliché recommendations that get thrown around at People & Culture conferences. 

However, when done well, celebrating success is one of the best things you can do for your organization. 

As humans, we need to feel validation. In fact, we thrive off of it. 

As a company, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate both the small and large wins across the organization. Especially those that often don’t receive recognition, such as those in the admin or finance department. 

Send out a company-wide email. 

Bring in cupcakes at lunch. (protein cupcakes of course)

Let the team leave early on a Friday to reward one or two individual’s good work. 

The more you see yourself as a group, rather than individuals, the faster the morale and culture of the company will improve. 

Take the time to celebrate small wins together as a group, and watch employee morale skyrocket. 

Third Way To Improve Corporate Culture: Focus on Wellness

Last but not least, focus on wellness. While not the most obvious initiative on the list, this is the one that will have the most impact. 

Did you know that employees spend ⅓ of their life at work? One third! 

That’s a huge chunk of time that’s often spent staring into a computer screen or moving boxes in a warehouse. 

One of the best things you can do for your employees is incorporate more health & wellness into their time at work, in order to make the office a healthier, happier place to be. 

This can be as simple as catering nutritional lunches or implementing mandatory stretch breaks throughout the day. 

Or like Zoom and Conde Nast have done, you can incorporate a comprehensive corporate wellness program in order to bring employees together and incorporate health & wellness into their day-to-day work lives. 

From nutritional classes to mindfulness webinars and fitness classes, a corporate wellness program is probably the best thing you can do for employees to increase productivity, relieve stress, and connect employees in and outside of work. 

And here at Paragon Body, it’s what we do. 

We help companies create awesome corporate cultures through the implementation of our 360-degree corporate wellness program. 

“Paragon Body played a huge role in connecting our team during 2020 and working from home, not only in health and wellness but also from a social and community building perspective.” - CEO Nuvia/Qualcomm

To find out if a corporate wellness program is a great fit for your company, you can get in touch with our team any time here

For more tips on how you can improve the culture at your organization, check out our other blog post on Quick Ideas for Mindfulness here

Until next time! 

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